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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ornamental Fish Sector Set To Contribute RM600 Million To GDP

2 Muharram 1433 Hijrah

KUCHING, Nov 26 ,2011(Bernama) -- The federal government sees a big potential in the ornamental fish industry under the National Key Economic Area until 2020, said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Chua Tee Yong.

He said the industry would contribute not less than RM600 million to gross domestic product (GDP) and offer about 100,000 jobs by end-2020.

"The ministry has forecast export of 1.5 billion ornamental fish worth RM1.7 billion under the 10th Malaysia Plan," he said in his speech at the seminar and exhibition on Arowana at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak here today.

The text of his speech was read by deputy director (development) of Fisheries Department, Ismail Abu Hassan.

He said Malaysia was one of the top exporters of ornamental fish in the world.

Chua said the Arowana (kelisa) was highly prized where 316,000 fish worth RM146 million were produced in 2009.

 Source :BERNAMA

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