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Saturday, February 4, 2012

ETP, GTP Boost Malaysia Financial Competitiveness

12 Rabiulawal 1433

IPOH, Feb 4 , 2012  The implementation of the Economic Transformation Plan and Government Transformation Plan has boosted the competitiveness of the national finances.

Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said, this was based on the Global Competitiveness Report 2011/2012 which was tabled at the six-day World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, beginning Jan 24.

"The report was completed in September last year and tabled during the meeting. Our country was included in terms of competitiveness because our financial level rose much higher than that of South Korea.

 "We are currently placed at No. 21, while South Korea is No. 24. Prior to this, our country was No. 26," he told reporters . He said the evaluation covered numerous angles, including the micro economic environment which is the basis for an increase in domestic investments and foreign direct investments.

Apart from that, he said, the evaluation was also based on the infrastructural development, health and education.

 Source- BERNAMA

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