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Monday, February 25, 2013

Nestle Withdraws Exemption Application

15 Rabiulakhir 1434

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 25 , 2013 - Following a series of discussions with the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC), Nestle Sdn Bhd has withdrawn its application for individual exemption.

In a statement issued today, MyCC said Nestle had previously filed an individual exemption application to exclude its pricing policy called the Brand Equity Protection Policy (BEPP) from the Competition Act 2010 (CA2010).

Nestle's pricing policy was a major concern for the MyCC as it has elements of Resale Price Maintenance (RPM), an anti-competitive conduct that prevents resellers from setting their prices independently, potentially leading to increased prices for consumers.

"While the MyCC recognises the rights of Nestle to promote and enhance its brand equity under the BEPP, the pricing policy as contained in the BEPP was likely to infringe section 4(1) of the CA2010 as it essentially constitutes a RPM.

More information: BERNAMA

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