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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bank Negara International Reserves At RM429.8 Billion As At Dec 15

27 Muharram 1433

 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 22 , 2011- Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) said its international reserves amounted to RM429.8 billion (equivalent to US$135 billion) as at Dec 15, 2011.

In a statement Thursday, BNM said the reserves position was sufficient to finance 9.8 months of retained imports and was 4.1 times the short-term external debt.

The main components of the international reserves were foreign currency (US$121.4 billion): International Monetary Fund reserves position (US$800 million); Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (US$2.0 billion); gold (US$1.9 billion); and, other reserves (US$8.9 billion).

Its total assets, including international reserves, stood at RM481.114 billion.

The central bank's other assets included the Malaysian government papers (RM2.017 billion); deposits with financial institutions (RM30.678 billion); loans and advances (RM10.719 billion); and, other reserves (RM7.878 billion).

Its liabilities comprised paid-up capital (RM100 million); general reserve fund (RM13.644 billion); other reserves (RM20.345 billion); currency in circulation (RM58.617 billion); deposits by financial institutions (RM205.099 billion); Federal Government deposits (RM24.573 billion); other deposits (RM13.029 billion); Bank Negara papers (RM107.149 billion); allocation of SDRs (RM6.742 billion); and, other liabilities (RM31.814 billion).

 Source- BERNAMA

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